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Writer's pictureJanet Myers

What, When, Why, Who?

I don't know about you guys but I'm in this uncelebrated in between time! The preparations made for months with the expectation of being in Kenya are- poof!-- gone.

Maybe y'all are feeling unsettled by this unknown time too. I question the WHY and the WHEN.

Then I also have the question "WHAT". What are we supposed to be learning and doing during these months of waiting? I'm in the "I don't have a clue" time.

This "I don't have a clue time" is unsettling and even exhausting. I have the privilege of chatting with Pastor Henry almost every day and they are struggling too. They can't continue building the school or the desks because of lockdowns. The option of going to school is up in the air. We can't be there to make the connections of training in life skills and business skills. People are hungry and can't meet to be served meals. Meeting in church is limited because of fear. WHAT are we supposed to be doing with this knowledge? WHY can't we be there to help and guide and pray together and encourage each other?

The only certain thing I know is the WHO. Who is in charge, who is in control, and who has a plan and knows exactly why and when.

I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. — John 16:33 Seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. — Matthew 6:33–34

This unsettling time of "I don't have a clue" is a time for me to just sit in it. For you it may be different. But, I'm slowly realizing that all the plans I make may not line up with God's plans. And the only way to figure out WHAT God's plans are is to stick close to Him. If not Jesus, WHO?

So, we can cry out to God, declaring that this hard time will be a HOLY time, a close-to-God time. And I need to choose to believe that there is good happening, even in these places. Cuz, here's another truth----wherever God is, good is being worked. And when I can't sense that good, I personally need to crank up some Christian music and with dogged determination, read His Word and just be.

Father God, show us what it is you want us to do while we are waiting in the holy time before we get to be with our family in Kenya. And if it isn't "doing" something, teach us to sit and soak in You. "Be still and know that I. am. God." This season You have us in, open our eyes and hearts to notice and testify to Your goodness and glory. In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen.

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