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Partner with Kenya REAL to help provide access to education for the kids of Calvary Hope School in Nakuru, Kenya. Below are a few of the commitments and goals you will be a part of when you are CHOSEN.

Sponsorship Requires A One Year Commitment
3 Payment Options Available

* $20/month recurring payment at

* One time payment of $240 for the full year paid online at

* One time payment of $240 for the full year by check and sent to:

Kenya REAL, 12750 Pronghorn Oak, San Antonio TX 78253
$20/Month Provides:
  • a nutritious meal 2x a day!

  • a uniform for school

  • school tuition

  • clean water

Sponsorship Program Outline:
  • Money is never given directly to the child. It is given to Calvary Hope School, and is then used to help that child.


  • Individuals that want to be sponsors will need to provide a photo of themselves. The photo will be taken to Kenya, and the children will have the opportunity to choose their prayer partner/sponsor.


  • In an effort to avoid unintentional disruption to the community, it is Key that the children and their families not know they are being supported financially by an individual or family. Each child will recognize the individual(s) in the photo as a "Prayer Partner and Friend". We never want to create jealousy in the community, competition for sponsorship, feelings of unworthiness, or become confidence crushers.

While the GOAL is to help the children and their families by relieving the financial burden of education, we never want to create an expectation or dependency on foreign financial support. While western aid is a big part of the economy throughout Kenya and all of Africa, the goal is never to create dependency or gain notoriety.

The Goal is to provide loving support through hushed acts of generosity that will propel the children through their education at Calvary Hope School. We consider it an honor to give without receiving something in return and to glorify our Savior. We hope you will join us!

You are CHOSEN

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