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Writer's pictureJanet Myers

What Do Miracles Have to Do With It?

We get miracles far more than we may realize. When the dark virus hit Kenya, we have been praying. Praying for healing and for the virus to stop. And also praying for the Lord to make a way to feed our kids! When kids are at school, they are guaranteed two meals a day. There are no certainties the rest of the time. And when markets close and curfews are mandated, how does one get food? There's a song that we learned in Kenya and it has the line "God will make a way where there is no way". And, that is exactly what He did.....Miracles.

People prayed, God multiplied those prayers into gifts of nourishing corn flour that Pastor Henry and Eunice placed into hungry hands. And those hands raised in praise and thankfulness to the Giver of all things good! When you share food and the life giving nourishment that Jesus loves them, there is another miracle..... People are asking Jesus to come into their hearts and they are saying "Yes" to their Savior! Jeremiah 33:3 says "Just Call to Me. I guarantee I will answer you..." The world has changed but God never does. And that’s not all!

I'm not sure if you do, but I believe gardening is a

bunch of miracles. And, when Pastor Henry shares with me pictures of our land in Kenya, I see more than one miracle. Every where I look in these pictures, I see reminders of God's care and His faithfulness. How? Look in the pictures with the tractor---a big bunch of weeds covering almost two acres of land. But, YOU heard that planting season is ripe and you prayed and supported to hire a tractor to plow! God used your gifts to make it all happen. After plowing, seeds were bought and fertilizer. Seeds themselves are little miracles. This tiny hard cased potential is pushed into the soil by hands, one by one. These weathered hands belong to 20 plus people. These hands needing a job to earn money. Money to support their families since their normal job has been taken by a virus. Mary Sarton said, "A garden is always a series of losses set against a few triumphs, like life itself." Yes. We've experienced much loss. And through the hard, darkness and the feeling of loss, the soil breaks open. Through this darkness there is triumph. Miracles. In our field life sprouts! Miracles of green and potential. Beans and corn planted together to save space and to feed off from each other. Companion planting to bring better yield. Celebrate these miracles with us because you are part of them! Your gifts and your prayers to our Father in Heaven. He's using you in these miracles! Psalm 24 says, "The earth is the Lords." Thank you for your kindness, thoughtfulness, compassion, and love in action. REAL love.

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