"I long for the Calcutta slums to meet the Chicago suburbs, for lepers to meet landowners and for each to see God's image in the other...I truly believe that when the poor meet the rich, riches will have no meaning. And when the rich meet the poor, we will see poverty come to an end." Shane Claiborne
I am witness to people sacrificially giving. I have seen prayers answered so evidently, I can't help but become overwhelmed. Overwhelmed because our Father is so full of love that He pours out His grace and goodness through friends. These friends have His love overflowing through them to bless these kids way far away in Kenya.
We are blessed to have people praying for and supporting to make sure these kids get food each day so they can learn on a full stomach.
There will always be needs to meet--we are a growing school with growing children.
Isn't it fantastic to be part of God's story that connects us from the US to these image bearers of God, in a far-away country in Africa!
Partner with us and be REAL--REALationships!
Thank you for loving others!